
Management Structure
The project is managed by the following bodies:

Project Coordinator (Brunella Franco)
acts as the intermediary between the European Commission and the Consortium as well as supervisor of the overall project and of the Project Office. Prof. Franco has previously served as coordinator for a grant under FP5 (QLRT-00791). In particular, the Coordinator will a) ensure a smooth operation of the project and guarantee that all efforts are focused towards the objectives, b) submit all required progress reports, deliverables and financial statements to the European Commission, and c) chair the Plenary Meeting.

collage.png EUCILIA Partners
Due to the limited number of participants in this proposal, all partners are involved in making strategic decisions regarding scientific planning and financial aspects of the programme.

The workpackages are under the responsibility of a partner (Workpackage Leader). The WP leaders are responsible for:

1) overseeing the direction of the science within the workpackage;
2) ensuring coordination of research among the various Institutes within the workpackage;
3) passing information to and from the Scientific Coordinator;
4) ensuring that milestones and deliverables are known and are being met, and
5) collecting information for annual and final scientific reports.

WPLs will be in charge of ensuring that technical problems are resolved and that interaction and training between junior scientists of that workpackage flows. Whenever decisions on changes in the research strategy will be needed, it will be the responsibility of the workpackage leader to invoke and conduct these discussions, and lay down the results in a written protocol in the way of a collaboration agreement. In any case, revised plans for workpackages schedules and deliverables will be subject to approval by the whole consortium.

management Project Office and Financial Administration
The Project Office is based at the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM) under the direction of the Coordinator. This consists of a Project Manager, a Project Administrator (part-time), and an Administrative Assistant. This office is responsible for the day-to-day running of the project, including arranging scientific and management meetings, and collating project scientific liaison with the Project Officer in Brussels. The Project Office is staffed with people who have experience in managing European projects.
The financial administration of this Project is taken over by the finance management of the Telethon Foundation. Other than EUCILIA, the Telethon Foundation presently coordinates the following 5 EU projects: EURExpress and COBIOS (FP6), AAVEYE, CardioGeNet and EUCLYD (FP7).
This extensive experience in successful administration and coordination of EU funded research will ensure the success of the project.